John's World
JOHN'S BLOG - Updated 4th January 2019
Sorry, You're Wrong. We're Not Dying...
Facebook temporarily shut down several dozen of the largest Masonic themed discussion groups
The Death of Freemasonry: When Change Changes You
A Template for True Freemasonry
Grand Lodge of Louisianna withdraws recognition of the Knights of Columbus
Rick Wakeman - Rock star and Freemason - VIDEO INTERVIEW
Mistrust due to a Lack of Understanding
The Freemasonry Matters Blog
Jersey Freemasons celebrate winning the Pride of Jersey award 2017
Pope Benedict XVI resigned in 2013 and mystery has surrounded his disappearance from public life
Hawaii’s Freemason Kings
UGLE publishes its gender reassignment policy
Have been previously male? You are qualified to join England’s Freemason society
Interview with Grand Master of The Honourable Fraternity of Ancient Freemasons Christine Chapman
The secret ceremonies and rituals of female Freemasons
'Sexist spirit of dead Freemason growled at terrified mum' as she prayed for safety while ghosthunting at 300-year-old house
Is Your Lodge A Carrot, Egg or Coffee?
Travelling Freemason upset to discover an American Lodge with no American Flag
An historic day as Jersey's Masonic Temple holds its first wedding
Concord Freemasons find World War I era time capsule
A historic Milwaukee Freemason building gets a second life as a hotel
Fabulous Freemason? Former Masonic Lodge Is the Week's Most Popular Home
Boy Scouts of America offices have been overwhelmed with requests for information
Some brothers develop Amity, an app that lists mainstream, recognized lodges in North America and Canada.
Masonic social media is calling attention to a problem of disappointment in having been recruited simply to keep the membership numbers up, either in their lodges, or in the other bodies.
Masonic Anti-Intellectualism A Crying Shame - Why I Left Freemasonry: The First And Last In My Family To Do So
The Pensylvania Freemason - Masons in World War 1 (from Page 14)
The Pensylvania Freemason - How Technology changed Freemasonry (Page 13 to 21)
Freemasory Matters - Global News
US Freemasons are joining Internet Lodge No. 9659, under the United Grand Lodge of England, for a very unexpected reason
Freemasonry matters - a list of donations in Lincolnshire so far this December
West Lancashire Freemasons donate £65,000 to help prevent young suicides
Essex Scouts and Freemasons unveil £250,000 major new community project
Bait & Switch, I Quit
"If Your Lodge Were to Close Tomorrow[...]" by Keith Martinson
Santa Claus and Christ-Mass Re-explained: An immortal lesson
When masons met in a mosque
List of Masonic Authors
Freemasonry Today Magazine (PDF)
Jesus Influenced Freemasonry or was it the Other Way Around?
Workings - The many versions of Masonic Ritual
How did various masonic ritual books come about
19 Little-Remembered Facts About St. Nicholas
St. Nicholas
How ancient DNA may rewrite prehistory in India
Five Amazing Things We Learned About History From Ancient DNA In 2018
Ancient DNA Has Revealed Surprising Connections Between The First People of The Americas
A lost ancient city built by Trojan War captives has been found
Has a Piece of the World’s Oldest Computer Been Found?
Neanderthals may not have been the headbangers scientists once assumed
Did Colonists Give Infected Blankets to Native Americans as Biological Warfare?
Did Ancient Egyptian Scribes Discover Algol’s Variability 3,000 Years before European Astronomers?
Experts find stone tools connected communities
40,000-year-old cave art may be world's oldest animal drawing
Great Pyramid: how my research on ancient Egyptian poetry led to an amazing discovery
Egypt: Artifacts discovered in Cairo could be 4,000 years old
Mysterious three-mile wide ‘star map dating back 150,0000 YEARS’ found in Hawaii
Oldest evidence of dairying on the East Asian Steppe
World's oldest intact shipwreck discovered in Black Sea
First humans to reach Australia likely island-hopped to New Guinea then walked - study
Scientists Just Drilled Through Thousands of Feet of Ice Into a 'Lost' Antarctic Lake
How the submerged continent of Zealandia took shape
Brains of 3 People Have Been Successfully Connected, Enabling Them to Share Thoughts
Infinite-dimensional symmetry opens up possibility of a new physics-and new particles
Existing laser technology could be fashioned into Earth's 'porch light' to attract alien astronomers
Major natural carbon sink may soon become carbon source
Glucose binding molecule could transform the treatment of diabetes
DIY crop speed breeding system to boost drought research
New dual-action cancer-killing virus
A gut bacterium as a fountain of youth? Well, let's start with reversing insulin resistance
Humanity has wiped out 60% of animal populations since 1970
New Caledonian crows can create compound tools
Purple bacteria 'batteries' turn sewage into clean energy
Insects Are Rapidly Disappearing Around The World, Leaving Scientists Horrified
The following topics are marked to show items have been added
Freemasonry in General - NEW
Freemasonry Membership -
Regular -
Women - NEW
Masonic Lodges - NEW
Masonic Action - NEW
Masonic Fundraising and benevolence - NEW
Masonic Education - NEW
Hidden Mysteries of Nature and Science
Historical - NEW
Discovery today - NEW
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RED - headings are Christmas themed items